What are the three principles?

The three principles articulates in words simple universal truths about how we experience the world..The three principles are the principle of thought’ the principle of conciousness and the principle of a universal intelligence. Together they explain how we experience every minute of our lives. The three principles are not a religion or a technique or a way of life; yet most religions, sages and wisdom draw on aspects of them. So when most people hear about the three principles for the first time, the principles seem familiar in some way. Unlike, most religions, self help techniques or practices there is no need to “do” anything to find the three  principles in our lives. When we become aware of their interactions we start to be aware of how we are lived by them and life becomes simpler and filled with ease.

How do these three principles interact to provide every single human being with every experience in their lives?

Every emotion we have or every feeling we are filled with, whether positive or negative is created by a thought that precedes it. Our lives as perceived by our consciousness are simply a living expression of our thoughts. Our thoughts are constantly created by the universal intelligence that we may recognise as energy, life force, chi or God. To live is to have thought (conceptual or otherwise), and thinking is a constant process that continues our whole life through.

How can the three principles help me?

An awareness of the three principles enables us to live a life of greater ease and joy. This awareness is not about controlling our thoughts, neither is it about seeking to only have positive experiences in life. In fact, an awareness of the three principles is particularly helpful when we are having periods of less helpful thinking, as it allows us to move through these episodes with grace and ease. The three principles help us to realise the perfection that is within every one of us, it helps us to recognise the  wisdom that is within each of us and those around us and it enables us to reconnect with our own innate inner well being.